martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

China´s poor understanding of the Pygmalion effect

China once again is seen in a case where workers are poorly treated, they are treated as slaves rather than human beings. These situations have been seen in important companies such as Hewlett Parckerd, Samsung, Acer, etc. It is sad to see how human beings are treated as animals. The negative expectations from the employer have forced these innocent victims to feel as slaves who in their own words said : " ....we dont work to live, we live to work..we have no life, we simply work....". Its a shame to see what a poor understanding of the pygmalion effect the chinese have, who think that through force, poor salaries, and threats they can obtain a positive attitude and work from these workers not realizing that it is something not only ilegal but also an effect that will later on destroy their own company once they realize how the targets performance starts diminishing and collapsing due to the poor treatment and strict expectations. ( On the picture we see the workers who during fifteen hours of work fall asleep in their working tables)

7 comentarios:

  1. I strongly disagree with that way of trating people. The point is that it has been the same through history, taken into account the British example, during the industrial revolution the working day hours were about 16. I think those processes enable a country´s economy to boost at the expense of the inhabitants welfare. The pygmalion effect here should work the other way around, perhaps if workers start thinking about improvements in their welfare, they will get benefits at the end. Anyway they are the ones who produce and have the contact with the product so they have the enough leverage to use the pygmalion effect on their favor

  2. It is quite true what you say in your comments. In this was many other companies have misunderstood the concept of the Pygmallion Effect, but many others have taken advantage of this situation. How? They have seen an opportunity to get people's attention over their brand or corporate image. Companies such as Apple, Microsoft and BMW are just a few.

  3. I’m agree whit you, people can’t be treated as animals, every body has the right to be happy and work in a comfortable place with a good salary.
    This kind of reasons makes people rise up against employers creating syndicates to fight for their rights and in some cases these companies lost more than if they du a properly used of the Pygmalion effect.

  4. It's sad, but is the reallity of a great part of the chinese workers, sadly they doesn't understand the phygmalion effect, but is because of the lack of efficiency in terms of knoweldge and creative, makes the chinese workers being exploited and the companies take advantage of his numbers to treat them as raw materials.

  5. Great input, Karen.
    As well as the Pygmalion effect works in a positive way, it also does the other way around, and these companies will have to take that into account sooner or later. Human beings are not work slaves and need a minimum of conditions to a proper ambience of work.

  6. As everyone has said this is a contrast on the negative aspects of salvage society figthing to overcome the gap in economics. But I thinks that due to their defficiencies and how they have overcome them, in a poor and neglectic way, they have been able to surpass the facts and arise in the past decade as one of the most powerful and promising economies member of the BRIC's and a fullfilment of the dream of the 50 past years of governments. Maybe we have grown in a society that respects a little bit more the human aspect of labor, but lets not lie to each other our labor rates are not far from miserable, and our working hours may be legal, but in order to fulfil the needs and preserve a lifestyle is not enough with what we get, here the money is for the rich ones, and the good work is for the capables, the hard labor remains to be left to those who are forgotten. Just the same as China.

  7. really important to know how to treat the employees becouse this is a relevant factor at the moment of getting success. This give us the reallity that is lived in different countries and help us to analyse how we want to work and how would we like to be treatened.
